Photo by Judy Miles
Dr. Goldfarb believes that the most effective psychotherapy is tailored for each individual patient. Dr. Goldfarb trained at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalysis and Research, and uses psychodynamic principles as a foundation in her work. She believes that most patients profit from a combination of cognitive behavioral techniques, supportive psychotherapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy to achieve their goals and gain greater insight into themselves and their issues. In her work with patients struggling with addiction, the techniques of motivational interviewing assist them work through resistance and fully address their addictions. Motivational interviewing is also extremely effective in helping patients cease their self-destructive behavior patterns. Cognitive behavior therapy encourages patients to alter their thought patterns, which then helps them shift their behaviors to a more healthy, adaptive style. Dr. Goldfarb also works with family members using the techniques of CRAFT, community reinforcement and family training to help them improve communication with the patient, which in turn often assist the patient in reducing addictive behavior to one marked by moderation or complete abstinence.